
Therapy is fully integrated into the curriculum at Thomas Wolsey Ormiston Academy as it prepares the learner for learning.  Quite simply, without it, very little, if any learning, could take place.

The Community Integrated Paediatric Services have a base at the academy and work closely with academy staff to support the physical, communication and emotional needs of all children.

Therapy Input Across the Academy

Therapists work in close partnership with academy staff in which they:

  • Carrry out assessments of need
  • Offer expert advice and deliver CPD (continuous professional development) in areas such as feeding, postural management or handwriting skills
  • Provide specialist equipment and training on how to use it
  • Suggest therapy programmes that can be built into the child’s daily routine and carried out by class staff and families
  • Monitor the impact of provision through clinics, including integrated clinics for children with complex needs
  • Provide blocks of targeted treatment for individuals and groups where appropriate
  • Contribute to Education Statutory Assessments, Annual Review and (at TWOA), Learning Maps and Programmes of Study

Communicating with Therapists

Therapists will always seek informed consent for an assessment and any treatment at all stages of the child/young person’s involvement with the service, (Integrated Community Paediatric Service).

Therapists, although based in school, manage various school and community caseloads so may not be in school every day. They can however, be reached through their team bases or via the NHS administrator Joanna Whiting (Monday to Thursday).

Joanna can be contacted the following ways:

Tel:01473 760906/760908

Email: [email protected]

Alternatively, you may find support on the West Suffolk NHS website


Requesting a review

Once a child is known to the therapy services; a review can be requested. Referrals are prioritised according to need and team guidance.

Education staff, families and health professionals can ask for a review if specific needs have been identified. This may include a change in the child’s condition or service transition. Please let therapists know if your child’s condition changes significantly between reviews.

If you have any queries or concerns with any aspect of your child’s therapy care that cannot be resolved with your therapists. Please contact the relevant team leader.

PhysiotherapyChristine HawleyBury 01284 741786
Ipswich 01473 321220
Suffolk InfoLink | Children’s Physiotherapy Service
Occupational TherapyBury 01284 741714
Ipswich 01473 321230
Suffolk InfoLink | Children’s Occupational Therapy
Speech and Language TherapyIsobel Crichton-SmithBury 01284 741732
Ipswich 01473 321225
Suffolk InfoLink | Children’s Speech and Language Therapy


Physiotherapy supports children who have difficulties with their physical development, movement, positioning or mobility. 

Pupils that have been referred to the children’s physiotherapy service and who attend Thomas Wolsey Ormiston Academy for 2 or more days per week will be under the care of a physiotherapist at school. If children attend the school one day per week, they will continue to be under the lead care of the community physiotherapist.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists help children develop skills in the areas of self-care, school and play. They see children at home and school and can help in the following areas: 

  • Postural management: seating, sleep systems, positioning and therapy systems, dynamic lycra and upper limb splinting
  • Moving and handling: advice, techniques and equipment
  • Self-care: feeding, dressing, toileting, bathing and showering
  • Fine motor skills: pencil and scissor skills, access to switches
  • Housing adaptations

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language therapists support children who have a variety of difficulties with their speech, language, communication or feeding.

Speech and Language therapists support children to communicate in whatever way they can whether through their voice, signing or gesture, symbols or VOCAs, (voice output communication aid).  

They also support children with dysphagia, (difficulty eating and/or drinking).  Many of our children have difficulty with, e.g. chewing, co-ordinating lip and tongue movements, or swallowing.  The speech and language therapists who work at Thomas Wolsey Ormiston Academy have been specially trained offer support and advice with such eating difficulties. 


SCARC stands for Suffolk Communication Aids Resource Centre. SCARC are based at the academy. SCARC is a countywide assessment, support, training and advice service for children and young people up to age 25 to consider use of a Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA).
They operate an equipment loan bank for short and long-term loans of communication aids, including responsibility for maintenance and repairs.
They also provide specialist Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) advice for their Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) colleagues and other settings supporting students with communication difficulties.

Music Therapy

Music Therapy is currently available for Thomas Wolsey pupils for part of the week. For a more detailed explanation of what music therapy is please and how it can support pupils, see the Arts section in the Curriculum Areas page of this website. It is funded through charity funding and our Pupil Premium grants.  It is provided to the school through Suffolk Music Therapy Services. Pupils are referred for a wide variety of reasons from social, emotional to communication. Pupils generally receive a block of sessions which can extended if it is felt this would benefit them. Places for music therapy are always high in demand but anyone can make a referral to the service. All referrals are considered and are allocated on priority of need. If you would like to refer your child, please download a Music Therapy referral form on our ‘Forms’ page or request one from our school office.