Pupil Voice

Thomas Wolsey Ormiston Academy has a friendly and less formal atmosphere than some schools and academies.  We are all on first name terms. This helps develop positive relationships between staff and pupils and helps build an atmosphere where pupils feel they can talk and will be listened to.  

We have made sure that our pupils have been fully involved in some of the more important whole-school decisions we have had to make from participating in staff interviews to the layout of our new playground and outdoor area.

We seek pupil feedback over our curriculum and special events through surveys and evaluation forms.  These feed into our curriculum review and future planning. Pupils are supported to evaluate educational visits and reflect on what they have learnt and whether they enjoyed it or not. 

Pupils are encouraged to make decisions about which charities and organisations are fund-raised for and how they would like to raise money.

Many activity days and special events are requested and organised by our pupils. These range from our annual Leaver’s Prom to water fights and talent shows. Being pupil-led which not only promotes pupil voice but helps develop a range of other life skills.

For more information about how pupil voice is at the centre of the annual review process, see the ‘Home School Communication’ page on this website.

Visit our Enrichment page to find out more about how pupil’s learn about wider democratic processes to express their views and ideas through representation on student voice forums.