Official Opening of Playground Communication Boards

13th December

Wednesday 13th December marked the official opening of our new communication boards.  We currently have two, one in EYFS and one in the main playground. They are a great addition to our wonderful playground that was installed over the summer of 2022.  The boards are the legacy of former pupil Jeremy Kennell who sadly passed away last year. Jeremy was excellent at communicating his needs and wishes and used a total communication approach to make sure his voice was always heard.  Jeremy’s mother, a passionate advocate for ensuring all children have a voice, used some of Jeremy’s money to gift the boards to school.  The boards will help ensure that future generations of children will have the opportunity to practice their communication skills outside as well as inside and learn to know that their voice matters. 

Jeremy’s mother and grandparents also helped us make some baked goodies with Merlins Class for Upper School Christmas share.  A huge well done to Merlins class for communicating so well with your visitors!

We are very grateful to Jeremy’s mother for organising this donation and to the Hudson Group, who supported the provision of the boards at cost.