Our approach to safeguarding at TWOA is rigorous and meticulous. We take this responsibility very seriously.
Read More“Making sure that pupils are able to express themselves is of utmost importance in this curriculum.”
“The individual focus is fantastic. The school is incredibly caring and treat each child according to their ability.”
“I have made really good progress in lots of different things…I now know how to make hot drinks. I have made one at home for mum and dad and I make drinks for staff in school every day. I…can show others how to do it and now I would like to start a school café…I have started to run my own lunchtime club…I can now ride a bike…I have never done this before as my balance wasn’t very good…”
“[The school] keeps the children safe and they thoroughly enjoy their time there.”
“[My child] loves the constant interaction with peers and adults, and the opportunities to try new activities.”
“In the early years, staff get to know children and their families well. They have a good understanding of the expectations for the early years foundation stage and of children’s individual needs.”
“I feel confident in speaking to staff and know I will be listened to.”
“The provider is an excellent provision. The pupils are very well supported and staff are dedicated to their jobs. Pupil wellbeing as well as their outcomes always come first. It is a fantastic environment to visit and I always feel very welcome as a visitor.”
Visitor from Suffolk County Council
“[There is] excellent working between teaching staff and the health professionals based at the school.”
“The curriculum is well planned to meet the varied and complex needs of pupils who attend the school….Curriculum plans…ensure[s] that all pupils get access to the same high-quality curriculum.”
“Pupils get lots of opportunities for physical development that matches their varied abilities, interests and needs.”
“I have opportunities to realise plans to expand my skills including fundraising, sports events and teaming up with [Ormiston] Endeavour [Academy].”
"There is a real ‘can do’ approach and staff are highly ambitious for what every pupil can achieve, both in their time in school and after they leave."
“I like using my eye-gaze to make my lunchtime activity choices. I like being able to independently ask questions to staff and my friends. I like being spokesperson on the School Council and having my voice heard.”
“Pupils enjoy attending school…The relationships between pupils and staff are very positive…Pupils are well behaved. They are very respectful of each other and their differences.”
“With the use of Earwig, I can see what my child is doing and how much they are improving, and great fun they are having whilst learning.”
“My child has settled in so well to the school. He is thriving...all of the staff have been very understanding of his level of need, he has access to all of the therapies he needs and he is saturated in a positive, nurturing environment at Thomas Wolsey.”
“I feel my son is valued and as such he is a confident and articulate person.”
“Making sure that pupils are able to express themselves is of utmost importance in this curriculum.”
“The individual focus is fantastic. The school is incredibly caring and treat each child according to their ability.”
“I have made really good progress in lots of different things…I now know how to make hot drinks. I have made one at home for mum and dad and I make drinks for staff in school every day. I…can show others how to do it and now I would like to start a school café…I have started to run my own lunchtime club…I can now ride a bike…I have never done this before as my balance wasn’t very good…”
“[The school] keeps the children safe and they thoroughly enjoy their time there.”
“[My child] loves the constant interaction with peers and adults, and the opportunities to try new activities.”
“In the early years, staff get to know children and their families well. They have a good understanding of the expectations for the early years foundation stage and of children’s individual needs.”
“I feel confident in speaking to staff and know I will be listened to.”
“The provider is an excellent provision. The pupils are very well supported and staff are dedicated to their jobs. Pupil wellbeing as well as their outcomes always come first. It is a fantastic environment to visit and I always feel very welcome as a visitor.”
Visitor from Suffolk County Council
“[There is] excellent working between teaching staff and the health professionals based at the school.”
“The curriculum is well planned to meet the varied and complex needs of pupils who attend the school….Curriculum plans…ensure[s] that all pupils get access to the same high-quality curriculum.”
“Pupils get lots of opportunities for physical development that matches their varied abilities, interests and needs.”
“I have opportunities to realise plans to expand my skills including fundraising, sports events and teaming up with [Ormiston] Endeavour [Academy].”
"There is a real ‘can do’ approach and staff are highly ambitious for what every pupil can achieve, both in their time in school and after they leave."
“I like using my eye-gaze to make my lunchtime activity choices. I like being able to independently ask questions to staff and my friends. I like being spokesperson on the School Council and having my voice heard.”
“Pupils enjoy attending school…The relationships between pupils and staff are very positive…Pupils are well behaved. They are very respectful of each other and their differences.”
“With the use of Earwig, I can see what my child is doing and how much they are improving, and great fun they are having whilst learning.”
“My child has settled in so well to the school. He is thriving...all of the staff have been very understanding of his level of need, he has access to all of the therapies he needs and he is saturated in a positive, nurturing environment at Thomas Wolsey.”
“I feel my son is valued and as such he is a confident and articulate person.”
“Making sure that pupils are able to express themselves is of utmost importance in this curriculum.”