At Thomas Wolsey Ormiston Academy, all aspects of school life offer valuable learning opportunities for pupils’ to practise personalised skills and will form part of the personalised spiral of their curriculum offer. (every second counts)
For all pupils however, a series of curriculum topics provide the context for further development of skills and knowledge appropriate to each child’s age and stage. Our age and stage documents detail typical skills and knowledge that will be covered in each key stage for each ‘type’ of learner.
For our emerging learners, they focus on the development of pre-subject specific skills, and differences mapped out on the different curriculum area age and stage documents may be quite subtle. We still choose to map them out in the different areas to ensure curriculum delivery child-centred and pupils are not restricted in their offer.
For our early and established learners the documents map out a progression of skills and knowledge that match those in the National Curriculum, albeit at earlier stages than their chronological age. Skill coverage covers National Curriculum KS1 and KS2 with elements of KS3 and KS4 where relevant.
The unpredictable numbers and needs of pupils in any one year group requires us to map out our curriculum in this way. At any one key stage, pupils will still need to be assessed for existing knowledge and understanding before being introduced to those outlined in our age and stage documents.
The nature of our pupils’ learning difficulties does mean that retention of skills can present a further challenge for many. For some, their conditions mean they will lose skills and knowledge as their condition progresses. Progression at Thomas Wolsey Ormiston Academy, may not be simply about ‘moving up’ a ladder of skills. Progression may be measured by a pupils’ ability to maintain skills despite increasing challenges and barriers to learning or it may be measured ‘laterally’. ‘Lateral’ progression is about being able to apply skills and knowledge to different contexts and situations with less scaffolding and support, with different people and in different environments.
We have a 3 year rolling programme across EYFS, a 6 year rolling programme across the Primary Phase and a 5 rolling programme across the Secondary Phase.
Please click here to see the topics covered each term.
Communication and Interaction Age and Stage Progression
Physical Development Age and Stage Progression
Social, Emotional Well-Being and Personal Care and Independence Age and Stage Progression
Literacy Age and Stage Progression
Numeracy Age and Stage Progression
Science and Technology Age and Stage Progression
Communication and Interaction Programmes of Study
Physical Development Programmes of Study
Social, Emotional Well-Being and Personal Care and Independence Programmes of Study
Science and Technology Programmes of Study