Policies & Privacy Notices


Copies of all policies can be obtained by contacting the academy office. [email protected]

Accessibility Plan July 22

Admissions Policy June 22

Anti-bullying Policy April 24

Attendance Policy July 23

Behaviour Policy April 24

Biometrics March 24

British Values Statement March 23

CCTV Policy May 22

Charging and Remissions Policy July 23

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy April 24

Complaints Policy July 23

Data Protection and Freedom of Information Policy September 23

Early Years Policy March 24

Equality and Diversity Policy September 22

Health and Safety Statement of Intent January 24

Looked After and Previously Looked After Children Policy January 24

Moving and Handling Policy August 23

Management of Off-sites Visits and Related Activities April 24

Photography and Video Policy September 23

Photography and Video Consent Form September 23

Provider Access Policy March 24

Remote Learning and Intervention August 23

Records Retention Policy May 22

Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education Secondary Policy September 23

Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education Secondary Appendices September 23

Relationships Education and Sex Education and Health Education Primary Policy September 23

Relationships Education, Sex Education and Health Education Primary Appendices September 23

Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy April 24

SEND Policy April 24

Social Media Policy March 22

Special Category Data Policy September 23

Staff Code of Conduct May 23

Supporting Children with Medical Needs June 23

Suspension and Exclusion Policy September 23

Uniform Policy April 23

Whistleblowing Policy September 23

Privacy Notices

OAT Complaints Privacy Notice

OAT Employees Privacy Notice

OAT Privacy Notice for Members, Trustees and Governors

OAT Pupil and Parents Privacy Notice

OAT Surveillance Systems Privacy Notice

User Agreements

Technology Acceptable Use Agreement for Staff and Stakeholders September 23

Technology Acceptable Use Agreement for Early Learners and Younger Children September 23

Technology Acceptable Use Agreement for Established Learners September 23

Guidelines and Charters

Communication Charter August 23

Communication Charter Roles and Responsibilities August 23http://home

Home-School Communication Guidelines August 23

Intimate Care Guidelines August 23

Moving and Handling Charter August 23